Monster Trainer

The ultimate trainer's website!!

Welcome to Monster Trainer- the ultimate site for all your trainer's needs! Wondering what Pokemon to add to your team? Trying to turn your Agumon into Greymon? You've come to the right place!


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My Gabumon

FireFlower(me):HAPPY NEW YEAR! Its finally Y2K1! and JeeZUZ have I gotten a lot done. Right, Armadillo-Chan?

Armadillo: Right.

Me:I downloaded a ton uf piccys and then uploaded them. im putting Adobe Illustrator on my comp soon so I can do banners and stuff.

Armadillo: And I finished the layout and concepts and stuff like that for the Poke-page.

Me: And we watched The Matrix and ate ice cream sandwiches and rode scooters in between.


Me: Er, moving on..

Wakimon: We've got most of the ideas for the art down, now all we need is the programs.

Me:So, what should we do now?

TK: Absolutely nothing?

Me: Don't mind if I do, TK-kun!

::everyone sits down to do nothing::

Frizomon (ala Cypher in the Matrix):Ignorance is bliss.

Me: FireFlower's the name and ignorance is my game!

TK: ::flips on the TV:: The Simpsons is on in 10 minutes!

Me: Al right!

Armadillo: Uh, time to end the update, I guess.

Wakimon: That was blisfully short.

Everyone: Bye!

Charmander will lead you to Pokemon Forest

Patamon will fly you to the

Digimon Dungeon

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Patamon's Pad