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This weeks story: Grass pokemon: electrician fodder or anti water sponge

A lot of people think that grass is too slow and weak, and electric is the better way to deal with water, but one example proves this wrong: Quagsire. You like talking about Quagsire don't you. Ahem. Only grass can take him. Grass may be slow, but a grass attack can easily make up for it. They can heal and damage at the same time with the "drain" family of moves. Also, electric pokemon tend to have less defense and special defense, making them more vulnerable to strong attacks then grass pokemon are. A good grass pokemon has: Giga-drain, Dig, Hyper Beam/Body Slam and sleep-powder. This can truly be a deadly and versatile combo. What the hell?? Shut. Up. FIREFLOWER!


Okey dokey! Please, I beg you, go back and vist my Blastoise and he will amuse you!